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Chimar was one of the first Italian companies to acknowledge the importance of the quality offered by its products and services. In fact, already in 1996, the company obtained certificate n°129 UNI ISO 9001:2015 and UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, which has been successfully confirmed to Chimar to date.

The Quality Management System prepared and implemented throughout the years has assured the achievement of the highest quality, in terms of design and production of masterbatches and predispersed powders for colouring thermoplastic materials, as well as concerning the service offered during product development and after sales. 

Moreover, thanks to the implementation and fulfilment of a SGSL (Safety on the Workplace Management System) following the guidelines named UNI INAIL, integrated by the Quality Management System, Chimar obtained the authorization to use the LavoroSicuro logo.

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